Monday, July 6, 2009

The Choices We Make!!

Unrippled existence, but serenity.....

Mundane routine, yet security....

Identical dreams each night....

but a few hours of assured sleep.

Foregoing the roller-coaster thrill,

and knowing the last chapter of each book...

but is it, worth it?

There is, no looking forward to....

No wind in my hair, or the sun in my eyes...

My nights and days are bereft of longing

There is no feeling of exultation,

as I approach the peak...

No pain, no tears, no perspiration,

but no beatific smile of content to follow them, either.

I have been there and seen it all

But my innocent emotions have been left far behind too...

Till Death Do Us Part

The faint glow of the setting sun glistened on the ripples of the Jhelum, as the ripples moves away one by one. The wind coming from the ...