Thursday, November 1, 2012

Flying Saucers!!

Man has always been fascinated and intrigued by life in other planetary systems and galaxies. With his imagination, he has created pictures of aliens, and they have mostly been painted in malevolent shades. Over the ages, man has always visualized the alien to be vicious looking, arriving on planet in flying saucers, with intentions of conquering it. These flying saucers were so called because they resembled upturned saucers. Sightings of flying saucers have been recorded from very early times and almost every civilization has maintained a certain amount of account related to seeing strange glowing objects in the sky. A section of researchers have even tried to
prove that sightings of UFOs go back as early as the Biblical era and that, certain chapters in the Bible endorses this belief of theirs.

The term Flying Saucers was coined in the 1940s and this was later changed to UFO or unidentified flying object. However it has been observed that most of the claimed sightings have been later proved to have been some other objects like the reflection of a weather balloon, or a reflection of certain metallic objects or at times even airplanes. However, the skepticism and the controversies surrounding the UFO s still continues. There are many international bodies like the Center for UFO Studies or the CUFOS, which has a team of dedicated academicians, scientists and investigators , who are relentlessly trying to pursue and unearth the truth behind the UFO phenomena.
Over decades, millions of people have claimed to have seen UFOs and also extra-terrestrial life forms, but their claims have been ridiculed at by the media and has also been rubbished by the governments. This phenomena has still not been substantiated by any scientist and still remains unexplained. A section of the U.S. population is of he firm belief, that the government and the CIA have definite proof of UFO bases in certain strategic areas but owing to certain unknown reasons, have desisted from letting the general population know about this secret.

Another aspect of the UFO phenomena is that people have reported alien abductions. That is many people have claimed to have been abducted by aliens and to have been returned to their points of abductions after a series of experiments. The extent of truth in such claims still remains to be determined, however, strange implants have been found in some people who have claimed to have been abducted. The International Center for Abduction Research or the ICAR, is an international body which is dedicated to the unearthing of information related to the abductions of humans by aliens. This body helps individuals in coping with the variety of crisis that arise from the abductions through processes like hypnosis.

UFOlogy is the term, which has been coined to denote studies dedicated to everything related to the UFOs. UFO s according to some people should be the abbreviation of Unconventional Flying Objects. It is a truth that certain sightings of UFO s are actually sightings of experimental and unconventional aircrafts, still there have been accounted sightings which have remained largely unexplained.

1971, Moon. Apollo 14, In this shot, the shape of the 
object looks like the one of a flying saucer with lights! 
Reference: NASA AS14-70-9836/37.

Author: Jayeeta Sinha Roy

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