Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Letting go...

In every parting there is a shadow of death..
Death the ultimate...the abyss of no return..
Nothingness, meaninglessness, abrupt end..

However, human mind is in an eternal quest for the something after..
some meaning, some reason..a bit of logic
but death defies it all
carefully laid out plans...all reasoning...all meaning.

Death, leaves us first in numbness,
we lose the ability to think, to react, to act..
and then comes denial.
Denial of the truth that is staring us in face.
Denial of the fact that end does come without an epilogue.

So...We can't let go
We don't let go..
We do not accept....and...
We keep hoping for the nightmare to end..
and for our beloved to return.

Herein comes the necessity of performing the last rites..
whether it is touching the lips of your beloved with leaping flames,
the face you had held so lovingly in the palms of your hand...
or in...
hearing that ultimate, deafening thud of pebble on the coffin...
that is the mark of accepting...of letting-go.

Letting-go of that integral part of my life,
who was perhaps fighting with me over trivial issues even yesterday.
Letting-go of all hope of him ever returning to me.
Letting go of the delusion that I can have yesterday back...

He has moved on...he had to leave...What is the logic behind holding back a body, when the soul has departed?

Author: Jayeeta Sinha Roy

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Ready or not...the end will surely and suddenly stare at you in the face.
Ready or day that rocking chair will roll back and forth, empty
Ready or not, your babies will fly the nest very soon
Ready or not, maybe sooner than you know..
you will need two outstretched hands to hold you straight...

and that very day, perhaps you will know and realize that your life was actually so blessed with tiny bits of gems that you failed to notice...

you mother's concerned calls,
your child's face burrowed in your bosom, as if you are her world,
your father's eyes waiting eagerly for the time when you will enter that door and share a few minutes of silence with him.
the cacophony of your friends as you try to concentrate on a romantic number
or for that matter, your love's increasing demands on your time, even when you keep rejecting her, to just be with you..

trust will all end much sooner than you ever will end in one swipe...and you will be left wishing and wishing....only if you could go back and mend things...and regretting each lost moment.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A random thought

Dates repeat themselves, month after month...year after year. It is only when they bear a significant event, a particular memory, re-emerges in one's mind....that dates cease to be a dead entity on a calender page.
Same with relationships, I believe. During our lifetime, we forge so many different types of relationships with so many people. If they are not blood-relations, then most of these relationships disappear without a trace....however some remain permanently, in some form or the other, throughout our lives. These are the ones, that nurtures us, resurrects us...has an uplifting effect on our lives and vice versa. Relationships are like little saplings, at the beginning. They need a lot of watering, sunlight, proper soil and care. However, as it grows into a tree, we fail to recognize, the fact, that the tree still needs water, sunlight and care.

Till Death Do Us Part

The faint glow of the setting sun glistened on the ripples of the Jhelum, as the ripples moves away one by one. The wind coming from the ...