Thursday, October 29, 2009

As Promised!

Come to me, like a patch of winter sunlight,
through the mesh of leaves...

In the warmth of a blanket in the early hours of morning,
as the fog trickles in through the window.
In the dream, that I never wanted to end,
but forgot in the bright glare of the day.

Come to me, like a gust of hot wind,
across a bluish-gray lake....
carrying the heady scent of jasmine,
cajoling me to sleep.

Come to me, as a star-studded sky,
seen through a torn feathery cloud...
as the waves caress my toes,
choking me in the feeling that I couldn't want for more.

Come to me in the smell of the first few drops of rain
touching the parched ground...
promising, that life will find,
its own be!

Author: Jayeeta Sinha Roy

Friday, October 9, 2009

Just a few steps away!

Just a few more years,
to spread my wings.
I convince myself,
as I burrow my head in my knees.

Just a few more tears,
to reach contentment.
Relentlessly, pushing through barrenness
As I reach out to hold your hand.

Just a few more pulls at heartstrings
to know that I am alive
Seeking detachment, yet
desiring to be present, at my will,
where, I will.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Life is too short,

to make out...

what could have been

and what did not...

Liberties galore,

The world at our feet.

Why would we still want,

to our childhood, retreat?

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Choices We Make!!

Unrippled existence, but serenity.....

Mundane routine, yet security....

Identical dreams each night....

but a few hours of assured sleep.

Foregoing the roller-coaster thrill,

and knowing the last chapter of each book...

but is it, worth it?

There is, no looking forward to....

No wind in my hair, or the sun in my eyes...

My nights and days are bereft of longing

There is no feeling of exultation,

as I approach the peak...

No pain, no tears, no perspiration,

but no beatific smile of content to follow them, either.

I have been there and seen it all

But my innocent emotions have been left far behind too...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shades of tears!!

That is how it ends,
one bright sparkle,
then cascading silver.
Unabashed, unlimited.

Holding in its saline stream,
Words unspoken,
Pangs unredeemed,
Dreams unwoven,
Anguish hushed.

Or, perhaps in....
Honour retained,
Pride reclaimed,
repressed innocence, revealed,
a fond caress, amidst unyeilding barrenness.

That is how it always ends...
In varying shades of tears.
I am glad for that tear, that I can shed.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Too late!!

Is this the right moment,
to pour my heart out?
Or is it too late?

Can I hope to make you believe,
that we will realize our vision someday?
Or is it too late?

Can we finally make an effort to
walk those few extra steps?
Or is it too late?

Can I still make you glance back,
for a last look, after moving on?
Or is it too late?

Can the silence between us,
still answer all our emotions?
Or is it too late?

Can I let go of the sunshine, the joy,
breathlessness, anguish, tears?
Or is it too late?

Author: Jayeeta Sinha Roy

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Journey Within

The journey within
Through sparse and dense
Retracing steps
Back to innocence.

The exceptional and mundane
The zenith, the nadir
Surges of love, pangs of pain.

Simplicity, inability and acceptance
Failing, learning, unlearning
Yet, unfaltering perseverance.

Dark alleys of fear, abysses of despair
Nursing bruises, looking up again
Moments, frozen in a tear.

Reaching my genesis
Now, the entire show in a frame
Resolving to plan the future
But, there is destiny to blame.

Author: Jayeeta Sinha Roy

Friday, February 20, 2009

We The Women - Gen Ex & Gen Why.

Our parents lived in a generation, where they managed to find happiness in small and simple things in life. They ardently believed in the values taught to them, without even a single doubt crossing their minds. Perhaps, they were not as logical and analytical as we are today. But they scored over us in one very important aspect. They were tolerant and they accepted - easily.

Our mothers trusted blindly, followed loyally and were returned the same trust and loyalty on most occasions. They never felt insecure by the fact that they did not have their own money to spend. Neither did their ego stop them from asking for money, from their husbands. They believed in simplicity, innocence, the simple pleasures, and in the slow pace of life.
They did not think twice in reprimanding or showering with love, all the children in the extended family. They savoured life to the hilt and were at peace with themselves.

We the nex-gen, strove to change the lot of women, and we succeeded in exceling in every field, becoming financially independent, having our say in almost every issue under the sun, and proving to all and sundry, our prowess.
In the process, however, we overlooked something precious. We lost our peace of mind and we had to do without the sense of mental security.

Ultimately, it is an issue of, 'we gain some and we lose some'. But I really hope that the price we pay, is not one, that is too high.

Author: Jayeeta Sinha Roy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lessons not learnt

When you let go of your guard,
and want to be 'you' again,
When tentatively, you allow your spirit to roam again,
with abandon
After eons of observing, calculating, judging,
when you are finally done with putting each face,
in a preconcieved cast,
When you are convinced about the permanence of unwavering solitude
and your unrippled existence...

That is when love sneaks in,
breaks your hallowed fortifications
and stays...
till the time, it can unsettle you again.

Author: Jayeeta Sinha Roy

Till Death Do Us Part

The faint glow of the setting sun glistened on the ripples of the Jhelum, as the ripples moves away one by one. The wind coming from the ...